Button Lane Primary School

Button Lane
Northern Moor
M23 0ND


Who are we

Button Lane is a Community Primary School with a published admission number of 60 per year group (current Year 4, 5 and 6 have a PAN of 60). We have a Nursery which can have 60 pupils, which means we have boys and girls from 3 to 11 years of age. There are 350 children on roll. We are continually focused on raising standards and ensuring that every pupil reaches his/her full potential. We embrace the challenges this brings as we continue to strive to improve the quality of education for our pupils. At Button Lane we value all partnerships. We work closely with our other local schools, enabling us to work together improving provision in our schools, learning with others, learning from each other and on behalf of each other. In particular, we value our partnership with parents/carers. We believe children learn best when home and school work together in a partnership.

Cultural Education Challenge Commitment

Our school is taking on the Cultural Education Challenge. This means that our learning journey takes us to places where we can create, compose, perform, visit, experience, participate, know, understand and review great art and culture. Along the way, we meet inspiring artists and cultural experts that help us explore our own and others’ inventiveness. Together we inspire each other to be creative, courageous and curious.

Cultural Education Challenge Stickers