Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden

Witherwin Avenue
01925 213638

Who we are

Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden provides a unique insight into Victorian life above and below stairs with the twist that the whole experience is outside! The gardens consist of both a formal, rectangular kitchen garden and the informal pleasure grounds, all contained within a single boundary wall - a highly unusual configuration. The estate to which the gardens belonged dates back to the 1830s and it was then that the kitchen garden was created to provide fruit, vegetables and flowers for the owner’s table. This kitchen garden was also later equipped with greenhouses to provide more exotic fruit such as peaches! As well as the kitchen gardens, excellently illustrating the self-sufficiency of the Victorian estate, the pleasure gardens can also be seen, separated only from the kitchen garden by a hedge. Grappenhall Heys are well equipped to accommodate groups of young people from Key Stages One and Two and have an excellent range of activities in subjects such as History, Science, Design and Technology and PSHE (to name but a few!). All visits to the gardens are free and staff are free to run their own activities, although some guided tours and taught sessions from gardens staff are available on request.